As a consultant I have the luxury of coming into an organization as an authority, make recommended changes, and get paid to ensure those recommendations get put into action. I love it, because I get to satisfy my need to create and execute isn’t hindered by bureaucratic red tape or a boss or supervisor who doesn’t buy into the same vision as myself.
The reason a consultant is treated different when it comes to ideas and execution is because there is an expectation when I am hired that I should help break the organization out of their funk. I am hired to change the way they do things, if those things are no longer effective or sustainable.
Not everyone has this luxury. There are plenty of bright minds who would love to execute, only to find that they have been relegated to a very narrow job description. When I talk to disgruntled employees, I recommend that they do the job description, but ask the boss or supervisor allow 20% of your work time (one day a week) to be allotted for more creative ideas. The goal is to have these ideas be tested in a smaller way, and upon success rolled out as a more serious strategy for the organization.
This will often put the job satisfaction back into the job, allowing you to take risks and be creative. It’s not my idea. Many tech companies have been doing this very effectively and it is something that all organizations can learn. Especially when it can lead to greater employee retention and growth for the organization, with this new emphasis on research and development.